Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Marisa Ann Bushong

Marisa Bushong is the daughter of Rex and Kim Bushong. She was born on August 9, 1992 and has 3 siblings: Blake, Lucas and Emmy. 
Her favorite achievement was getting her poem published in 9th grade. Her favorite activity is having bonfires. She has been involved in basketball, volleyball and track each for two years. 
Her favorite experiences and memories while attending MHS have been “Hanging out with my friends and swimming at the pond on summer days.” 
Her most embarrassing moment was “Falling down the bleachers at a home game in the student section!” Her favorite T.V. show is One Tree Hill
Marisa’s biggest inspiration is her parents because “they taught me that even though times get rough, you can always make it through.” 
Her gift to underclassmen goes to all underclassmen, “Don’t lose yourself in the chaos of high school, be yourself and they will love you. If they don’t that’s their problem, not yours.” Marisa’s favorite saying is “Never tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”
Some advice she has to give before graduating is “Find something that you love to do and go for it. It’s your life, take control of it.” 
She is excited for graduation because “We get to go to bigger places and explore outside of our safety nets. It’s scary but exciting.” Her goal is to get her RN and start working near her hometown. She plans to go to DMACC to get her RN. 
 In ten years she hopes to live close to Monte and starting a family of her own. 
Compiled by Calli Zimmerman.

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