Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hope Nicole Kriegel

Hope Nicole Kriegel was born January 30, 1993 and is the daughter of Lori Kriegel. She has one brother, Kaleb. 
Her awards and achievements include the A and B honor rolls, Honorable Mention All-Conference for basketball (4) and volleyball (2), 2nd Team All-Conference volleyball (1), school record for kills, All Academic Team volleyball and basketball and performing individual All-State nominee. She has been involved in volleyball (4), basketball (4), Speech & Drama (4), track (2) and softball (4). 
Hope’s favorite things to do are hanging out with friends and eating. Her most embarrassing moment was when she was a sophomore and performed her individual speech in front of the seniors and there was a hole in the butt of her pants and nobody told her. 
Her best memory is from seeing the community rally behind the volleyball team this year and believing in them. Her favorite TV show is Criminal Minds and her favorite songs are “Meet Virginia” by Train and “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls. Her favorite sayings are “When life hands you lemons, smile and make orange juice and leave everyone wondering how you did it,” and “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.”
Hope’s biggest inspiration is her mom because she has always been there to support her, no matter what, and has taught her to always get back up, keep fighting and believe in herself. 
Her gifts to underclassmen go to: Kaleb – “Keep mom from going crazy next year and always be yourself!” Aly James – “Keep shooting! Don’t ever stop believing in yourself.” Emily Long – “Find someone who can beat on you in practice and will be able to make you smile with one little comment!” Tyler Swenson – “Keep annoying Bates!” 
She is excited to graduate because she is excited to go out on her own and make her mark on the world. Her advice before graduating is, “Don’t take anything for granted; love every second you have, be crazy, be loud and most of all – be a kid and love yourself.” 
Hope’s goals in the future are to take care of her family and live happily ever after. Her college plans are to go to UNI and get her degree in social work. In ten years, Hope sees herself doing something she loves and married to a wonderful man with a child.
Compiled by Niamh Lyons

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